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Brussels never ceases to amaze.

You think you’re visiting a capital city, but it also has the feel of a genuinely people-friendly town. One minute you’re visiting an old town with its Grand-Place, and the next you’re discovering the boutiques in Rue Dansaert, with their modern, creative twist.

You walk down a medieval street, and come across the ‘Quartier Européen’ with its distinctly ‘Little Manhattan’ feel.
You’re visiting the highly aristocratic Sablon aux Marolles and, before you know it, you find yourself in the village-like neighbourhoods of Laeken and the surrounding area.

So you see, Brussels really is full of surprises, just waiting for you to discover them. Take your pick from our Brussels neighbourhoods to find out more about them, including the atmosphere, market days, accessibility information and, of course, the go-to shops you can expect to find there.