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Les Marolles, the popular and cultural heart of Brussels

Marolles Brocante

A map listing all culture-related businesses in Marolles

The emblematic Marolles district is renowned the world over for the strong identity of the cultures that inhabit it and the businesses to which it is home. 

Alongside its famous flea market, it also offers a range of businesses that bring culture to life in the district, from record shops to cultural and music cafes, art galleries to antique shops, etc. 

Les Marolles offers visitors from all backgrounds and budgets a wealth of treasures to discover. The businesses listed on this page reflect the personality and appeal of the district. Visit any one of them to pick up a map that lists all these businesses. In the meantime, check them out here on! 

Cultural and musical cafes

Marolles is home to cultural cafes hosting music evenings, picturesque cafes and authentic Brussels estaminets. As you stroll through the district, don’t hesitate to drop in and enjoy a cold draught beer. 

Cultural centres

There are two institutions at the heart of the Marolles district: the Bruegel cultural centre, whose programme breathes life into the district throughout the year, and the Bruegel library, which also organises discovery and reading workshops. The Pianocktail is another place where people can meet and socialise. 

Art galleries

A host of art galleries delight weekend passers-by as they stroll through the Marolles district. From traditional paintings to collages and contemporary art, there’s something to suit every budget. 


From local bookshops to specialist retailers, bibliophiles and classics lovers alike will find what they’re looking for here.

Antique dealers

The antique dealers of Les Marolles, who perfectly exemplify the soul of the district, need no introduction. From small trinkets to antique furniture, you’ll discover many treasures in the maze of antique shops in Les Marolles.

Record shops

The icing on the cake in Les Marolles? Record shops that take us back in time and incite us to start our own vinyl collections. 

And many more...

Carte Marolles
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