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Day: 5 August 2024

Aug 05
Les Marolles, the popular and cultural heart of Brussels

A map listing all culture-related businesses in Marolles The emblematic Marolles district is renowned the world over for the strong identity of the cultures that inhabit it and the businesses to which it is home.  Alongside its famous flea market, it also offers a range of businesses that bring culture to life in the district, […]

Aug 05
Make Place Vieille Halle aux Blés your go-to for high-quality shops

Treasures around the Place de la Vieille Halles aux Blés, just a stone’s throw from the Manneken Pis The Place de la Vieille Halle aux Blés, sometimes also known as the “Place Jacques Brel”, where you’ll find his statue and museum, is packed with treasures and good-quality shops. With its small village feel, colourful cobblestones […]

Aug 05
My favourite pub crawl in the heart of Brussels

Summer’s finally here in Brussels! And there’s no better way to celebrate than a weekend pub crawl. Perfect timing, as I’ve been meaning to share my favourite way to spend an unforgettable evening in the city centre for months now.  And if it’s raining (because we are in Brussels, after all), don’t worry, all the […]

Aug 05
1 product bought = 1 free recycled accessory: find out which second-hand shops are taking part

Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed: second-hand shops are gifting you recycled accessories To promote second-hand clothing in Brussels, we’re launching a campaign in 20 second-hand shops to distribute original, recycled accessories that we’ve made from old event banners (such as those from the Foire du Livre, the Foire du midi, the […]

Aug 05
Try several of Brussels’ restaurants in one evening with Emile

We’ve been waiting for La Dalle to return to Brussels! After last year’s success, we wanted to bring La Dalle back to Brussels this year and expand the project. So the brains behind La Dalle have created THE trendy guide to Brussels: Emile.  Emile is your hip, ultra-connected buddy who knows Brussels like the back […]

Aug 05
Join us on the Place du Jeu de Balle terraces on Thursdays!

Looking for something to do on a Thursday evening this summer? How’s this for a special night out? Come and enjoy the many terraces on the famous Place du Jeu de Balle, at the heart of the emblematic Marolles district! The square’s various bars welcome you in a relaxed, musical atmosphere. Laid-back terraces and a […]